Founded in January 2002 after the acquisition and merging of SEEBOARD Plc, London Electricity Plc and SWEB Energy Plc, EDF Energy is a company specialised in the production and supply of electricity and gas, based in London and 100% owned by EDF (Électricité de France). Especially focused on environmental issues, EDF Energy is now the largest producer of low-carbon energy in the United Kingdom. The group also invests on wind and solar power to gradually replace gas, coal and other polluting and non-renewable resources. The company can count on 8 nuclear power stations to generate almost 20% of the country’s electricity. It has recently been rated the Best of the Big Six in the British energy sector by uSwitch, recognizing the quality of the online experience offered. Among 40 suppliers, it has also been voted 1st by Citizens Advice. EDF Energy operates both for business and residential customers. The company employs more than 13,000 people and currently handles nearly 6 million customer accounts throughout the United Kingdom.

What are the different electricity tariffs offered by EDF Energy?
Tariffs may differ depending on the meter type. With a standard meter, the current tariffs offered by EDF Energy are:
- Easy Online 2 year fix with fixed prices for 2 years;
- Flexible Control with a rate 2.5% below the cap;
- Easy Online+Smart Home with dedicated smart home services;
- Easy Online+BoilerCare with dedicated boiler services;
- Total Service 2 year fix with extended services and fixed prices for 2 years;
- Energy+Boiler Care with dedicated energy and boiler services;
- Standard (Variable) with variable rates and switch possibility any time.
With a prepayment meter, the tariffs are Prepay Total Service and Standard Variable. Besides, specific gas and electricity tariffs apply for businesses. You can contact British Gas directly to get a quote.

How can I check my tariff?
Your tariff is shown on your bill. You can check it on the heading called “Electricity you have used”.

When does the off-peak or night rate start and finish?
It all depends on your area and on your meter. Everyone is given 7 hours at low rate every night between 12.00am and 08.00am.

What are the available options for payment terms?
Each bill must be paid on due date either with cash or cheque. The due date is explicitly shown on the first page. If you have subscribed to a monthly payment by Direct Debit, the sum will be directly collected on your account. Direct Debit paying terms may make you benefit from savings up to 7 %.

What do the different VAT rates shown on the bills mean?
The applicable VAT rate depends on energy and gas consumption. Below 33 units of electricity and 145 kWh of gas per day, the reduced rate of VAT applies. If supplies exceed a daily basis of 33 units and 145 kWh, the standard rate of VAT is billed.
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