Based in Perth, Scotland, SSE plc (Scottish and Southern Energy plc) is an electricity and gas supplier. It was founded in 1998 when Southern Electric and Scottish Hydro-Electric merged. The company also operates in gas storage and telecoms networks. As one of the “Big Six” of the British sector, SSE currently employs more than 20,000 employees.

What are the different energy tariffs offered by SSE?
SSE lets you choose between 4 gas and electricity tariffs:
- SSE Fix and Control with fixed price for 24 months, a Google Nest Thermostat E and a Google Nest Mini;
- SSE 2 Year Fix tariff with fixed prices for 24 months;
- SSE 1 Year Fix tariff with fixed prices for 1 month;
- Standard tariff with simple tariff and no ties.

What are the different types of meters supplied by SSE?
To those using gas or oil for heating, SSE offers standard meters and evening and weekend meters (with two readings: one for day and one for night). To those using electricity for heating, the choice of meters is wider: Economy 7/Domestic economy meters (with seven hours at cheaper rate at night), Economy 10 meters, THTC (Total Heating, Total Control) meters (only in some regions of Scotland), SHC (Storage Heating Control) meters (only in some regions of Scotland), Flexiheat/Superdeal meters (only in some regions of England). Some old meters may still be operating. You can change your meter if you want by contacting SSE directly. Fees may apply depending on the meter type.

How can I pay my energy bill?
First, you can pay by Direct Debit, in which case you will be debited each month automatically. Variable Direct Debit occurs each quarter. You can also choose to be billed the traditional way and pay as you like by receipt: over the phone, by cheque, by postal order, through your bank or even with cash via a Post Office. Finally, other payment options include standing orders, Pay As You Go meters, Paygo swipe cards and Fuel Direct.

I am moving home. What does SSE need to know?
You should contact SSE at least 4 weeks before moving. On the moving day, take final meter readings and send them for adjustment. Once you have moved in, take initial meter readings.

I have payment difficulties. What happens if I cannot pay my bill?
There is a hotline for you. You can call it if you have payment difficulties: . It is reachable Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm and from 8am to 6pm on Saturdays. SSE makes different payment options for their customers. Cases will be checked and discussed individually. It is important to communicate your difficulties to find a solution as soon as possible. Otherwise you will be sent a reminder. Employees may also visit your home if you do not reply, the visit being at your own expense. The next step could be going to court if communication is impossible.
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